Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023 adalah perangkat lunak pertama yang mendukung Portable Document Format atau disingkat PDF milik Adobe Systems, sejenis format data dokumen. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023 dapat menampilkan, mencetak dokumen, meng-edit dan menyunting dokumen.
System requirements:
- Processor: Intel® or AMD processor; 1.5GHz or faster processor
- Operating System: Windows 11 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit) version 1809 or later, Windows Server 2016 (64 bit), or Windows Server 2019 (64 bit)
- Memory Ram: 2GB of RAM
- Harddisk Space: 4.5GB of available hard-disk space.
Support Windows:
- 32 Bit: Windows 11 (64 bit), Windows 10 version 1809 or later (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8, 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit)†, Windows 7 SP1 (32 bit and 64 bit), or Windows Server – 2008 R2 (64 bit), 2012 (64 bit), 2012 R2 (64 bit)†, 2016 (64 bit), or 2019 (64 bit)
- 64 Bit: Windows 11 (64 bit), Windows 10 (64 bit) version 1809 or later, Windows Server 2016 (64 bit), or Windows Server 2019 (64 bit)
Cara install Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023 Full Repack
- Putuskan koneksi internet.
- Disable anti virus atau windows defender.
- Kemudian extract, Wajib !
- klik “Silent install.cmd ” Tunggu sampai selesai.
- Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023 Full Repack siap dipakai.